Robert Janney

Born in Muscatine, IA
Born on Jan 20, 1935
Departed on Jun 6, 2016

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Our sympathy to the whole family. Though it has been many years since we have seen Bob we will never forget his smiling face and easy going personality.

My sympathy to you all. My thoughts are with you at this time. From one of your neighbors.

I worked around or with Mr. Janney at Collins for many years. But, early in the 70's, about the time he married, I worked with him on a daily basis in Building 109 at Collins. As his obituary stated, he was a man of faith, and a very pleasant personality. I can yet hear in my mind his peals of laughter when something was hilarious. We had no idea of his overseas work before he came to Collins; so that was fascinating to read here. I would like to extend my sympathy to all his loved ones.

Dear Karen and family, Our sympathies to all of you. May your memories help you through this difficult time. Love and prayers from Diane and Jim Seko

I love and miss you dad. We will look after mom for you.