Francis McMann, Jr.

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on Jan 1, 1949
Departed on Aug 18, 2023

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My sincere condolences to the family of Dr. McMann. I only had hime once as at an AP Economics teacher training in Colorado, and a I'm getting ready to write my exam for next week, I came across his Microeconomics exam finals (his name still appears on the margins of the exams). I loved his passion, knowledge and wit. I asked him in one of our trainings (it was early on in my career) what to do in case I need to be out since the material was so fast paced and rigorous. His response? "You should never be out!". That stuck with me - so wry and honest!

Dr. McMann was in the top 2 of teachers I ever had, and that includes college professors. He demanded that we think for ourselves. He taught me to support my argument with facts. I became a biologist, but I think of him so often - just the other day when I was deciding between 1 scoop of ice cream or 2, I wondered about the marginal cost of ice cream production. WHS '94

1 of 1. I am forever grateful for my time with him. I have benefited greatly as a result of his passion for teaching. Without doubt. I will speak his nane until the end of my days. My sincerest condolences.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

I am saddened to learn about the passing of Dr. McMann. His talents as a teacher/educator are unsurpassed! I always enjoyed my interactions with Francis, especially his wit and knowledge on a variety of topics.

Dr. McMann was a foundation influence for my time at Wash, from his jokes and stories about diminishing returns, to the stories I head from other faculty and former students. He was funny, engaging, and brought intensity paired with a deep kindness and caring for his students. He cultivated an engaging classroom and stimulated intellectual curiosity that lead me to study Economics, then later have that same drive to attend grad school and ultimately choose my career based on skills and questions of interests I gained from my time as a Junior in his AP Economics Class. I still keep the bound notebook of AP econ notes on my bookshelf and borrow his stories when I teach. Dr. McMann was a titan in the classroom and his influence will continue to reverberate for years to come. Mason Buonadonna Washington High School Class of 2013

To the McMann family- My deepest sympathy to you at the loss of Francis. Francis was in my homeroom at Washington so I saw him daily with his dark rimmed glasses and a smile on his face. My son attended Washington and was quite amazed that Dr. McMann had been part of my class when I was at Washington. Somewhere in my old photos from high school I have a picture of him sitting in our homeroom. I am glad to read all of the comments on what a positive influence he had on the students of Washington. Deepest sympathy. Nancy (McGregor) Davis Washington 67

Dr. McMann is one of the most inspiring people I have met. I know now that I didn’t understand then all of the important things that he was teaching me. Microeconomics made a bit of sense, macroeconomics was superstition. It was only a lot later that I realized that he was teaching us a whole new way to think, question, and interact with the world. I have often thought about how grateful I would be to take his classes again. He was an amazing person, educator, and a role model. My life is immeasurably better because of his influence.

Our daughter Kathy Kopecky Deegan loved DrMcMann! She majored in philosophy politics and economics as a result of his classes! She visited him during breaks from Notre Dame! She died in 2002! I believe she greeted him immediately! Their relationship was one of admiration ! Feel a little twinge knowing Dr McMann died ! He was a household word in our home !

Francis and I graduated together at Washington High in 1967. We shared some good times back then. He was a serious student. I can see why he entered into the field of education. I got to see him in his classroom at the beginning of his career. He was student teaching and was presenting possible career choices to the class. There were several guests representing different occupations. I was one of them, I could see he had a passion for what he did. The world will miss him.

Dr. McMann comes up in conversation at least once every 6 months since 1985. We use him as example regarding humor, non-chaperoning,teaching writing, political views, economics, and more. :) He inspired so many people. His class was not my highest grade but I learned the most from him and Mr Hubacek. I am so sad that his family will no longer have him around to discuss things with. I remember when he had his bypass way back we were all terribly worried about him. I am glad he had many years after that. His DBQ lessons got me through college and I now work at one. Much gratitude, he will never be forgotten and his lessons will move forward. Peace and thank you for sharing him with us.

Dr. McMann had a tremendous impact on our children, both of whom were lucky enough to be his students at Washington HS. He expected intense effort and got it, he was detailed and demanding, and at the same time he somehow managed to have lots of fun in the classroom. We have nothing but respect for him as a teacher. His retirement left a hole in high school education but now surely a much larger hole in the life of his family. Our deepest sympathies to you all.

Dr. McMann is the reason I took a major in economics. His very involved style of teaching drew me into the field, and I was so proud to have shared the story of his influence on me and my career path. God’s peace be with his family.

Our daughter Kathy Kopecky Deegan loved DrMcMann! She majored in philosophy politics and economics as a result of his classes! She visited him during breaks from Notre Dame! She died in 2002! I believe she greeted him immediately! Their relationship was one of admiration ! Feel a little twinge knowing Dr McMann died ! He was a household word in our home !

Francis was a student, a manager of my baseball team, and a dedicated colleague his whole career. He was also a student in my Government Class. I always enjoyed his quick wit and insights. When he got that sparkle in his eye, you know something good was to follow. He set the standard for advanced placement class achievement expectations. He did so much for so many with his great intellectural awareness. His mind was always on the student. I Join with Carolyn and all those who are celebrating his life. He made a difference in so many lives jsut by who he was. I can say with certainty, I am glad he was here and in my life. A rare jewel. Till we meet again. Willliam C. Jacobson Retired Educator

Dr. McMann delighted this cynical 80s high schooler. The sparkle in his eyes and brilliant lectures were the best part of the day. He was 100% engaged every day. I wrote him a thank-you note as a UI-college freshman, for it was then that I realized he was the one who had taught me how to write (with his famous DBQs using original source material.) I hope he was half as wonderful to his family as he was to his students. He and his wife seemed ideally suited for one another. I have never forgotten him chuckling at himself for buying his wife a hairdryer for her birthday (which made her cry, to his astonishment.) Dr. McMann will remain alive dancing in our memories. Thank you for sharing him with us.