Albion "Al" Wall

Born in Linn County, IA
Born on Nov 17, 1932
Departed on Dec 2, 2016

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Sending our deep sympathy to Aunt Maxine, Linda, Nancy, Mike & all of your families. We're sorry we couldn't be with you yesterday and share the special memories. Uncle Al was a great guy!

Maxine we offer our deepest condolences to you and family Al will be greatly missed.

We couldn't have asked for better neighbors for the past quarter century in Al and Maxine. We miss those long talks over the fence and the bumper tomato crops. Rest in peace, Al, and comfort to Maxine.

I will always have many special memories growing up and spending holidays at my aunt and uncle's home in Cedar Rapids. I share the grief and mourn uncle Al's passing. I hope he has found peace. Rest Easy Uncle!

As a member of Mt. Hermon Lodge, and a long time brother of Al Wall, I join with those who celebrate all he did and all he was. Al had a way of improving a lodge meeting with his many contributions. We visited many times about Masonry. He had a clear understanding of what it meant to live his life as a Mason. As he is now in the celestial lodge above, I celebrate his contributions as a man and a Mason. William C. Jacobson Cedar Rapids Scottish Rite.

Our sincere sympathy to Aunt Maxine, and all of Uncle Al's family and loved ones. May you have peace and strength.

I was so sad to hear of Al's passing. He was an amazing man who kept my kids safe on the college community school bus for years.he didn't put up with any misbehavior. If he was a driver today we wouldn't have the crazy behavior we have or the disrespect. He had full size candy bars for the kids on many Fridays,who does that? I also painted for him and Maxine .He will be greatly missed.we will keep the family in our prayers.

Al was a brother and mentor of mine for the last decade at Mt. Hermon Lodge in Cedar Rapids Iowa. My thoughts and prayers to his wife and family during this time. We will miss you brother. So Mote It Be.