Kristi Davidson

Born in Sun Prairie, WI
Born on Feb 18, 1963
Departed on Apr 12, 2024

Kristi was my roommate at UW-L. I am presently regretting how fast life goes and the friendships and words left behind. As roommates we enjoyed such smiles and kindness from Kristi. We witnesses the beginnings of the forever story of Mike and Kristi. We were all Recreation majors that lived our lives as Rec majors. Mike and family. I am so sincerely sorry for your loss. I will always remember Kristi with a smile.

Kristi played softball with me in Sun Prairie for several years. It is so true - she had the best smile & was one of the kindest souls. Though I have not seen her for many years - my heart is sad the earth lost such a beautiful person. I was blest to have known her. May all who had Kristi I touch their life be comforted by their memories of her.

Kaitlyn, Your mom was such a ray of sunshine in my life! She absolutely loved being your mom and supporter. Her laugh and smile lit up a school. Prayers for all of you.

Like others, I knew Kristi in our younger years. She and I played tennis on the Sun Prairie high school team where she was a stand-out. She and I (along with many other students) also cleaned Camp Randall, under the management of her father (and wonderful teacher) George Conom. What we lacked in energy on those early days, we made up for with laughter and the bond that our Sunday morning teams were special. (If I'm not mistaken, Kristi happily took the position of cleaning bathrooms...God love her!) ;) When I heard that Kristi had passed away, the words "kind and smiley" immediately came to mind...and obviously, from condolences and the photo with her lovely obituary, those qualities remained with her throughout her life that was sadly cut much too short. My thoughts, condolences and prayers are with the Davidsons and Conoms, and all who had been blessed to have had Kristi in their lives. May the memories of her bright smile and twinkle in her eyes live in our hearts forever.

I worked with Kristi at Hoover elem. Even though it’s been awhile I can see her smile greeting me every morning as I come in. She was so proud of her family. Always had a story about her girls to help me feel better about my girls going through teenage stuff. Hoover was so lucky to have her. She will be missed! Her smile will be in our hearts forever ❤️

I worked with Kristi at Hoover elem. Even though it’s been awhile I can see her smile greeting me every morning as I come in. She was so proud of her family. Always had a story about her girls to help me feel better about my girls going through teenage stuff. Hoover was so lucky to have her. She will be missed! Her smile will be in our hearts forever ❤️