Robert Kocher

Born in Jefferson City, MO
Born on Dec 19, 1929
Departed on Feb 16, 2020

Growing up with Bob as a neighbor was an experience in art, whether in his house, yard or garage. Bob always had a twinkle in his eye and a kind word. The interaction between Bob and my dad Bob were priceless, so many good memories of Bob.

So sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. Many fond memories growing up on Park Avenue with Bob and his family as neighbors. He was a character for sure. Was always nice running into him with my cart at Hyvee or seeing him and Joan at Sophia’s after church on Sunday.

"Mr Kocher" was such a nice neighbor when I was a kid. He always had time to say hello and chat for a minute while walking his dogs. RIP Mr. Kocher

Terrye, Joan, and family - please accept my condolences on your loss of one outstanding individual. So kind, so talented, so important to the arts in Cedar Rapids. I have one of his colorful abstract paintings and treasure it. Warmly, Kathy McHugh

Bob was a member of our water exercise class at Gold Point fitness. We all enjoyed getting to know him and watching him do cannon balls into the water with his glasses on. He was a dear, sweet man who will be missed by all who knew him. Rest in peace.

Bob had a wonderful retrospective art show at the Artisan’s Sanctuary recently. The opening was attended by many friends and associates. It was an honor to know Bob and display a a life-time of his work. He will be missed.

Mrs. Kocher, Upon researching some Coe College information I saw that Mr.Kocher passed away. I am so very sorry. My sister Karen Cossman was one of his students . He had such a profound effect on her art, her life and zest to see things that others couldn't. You both had been so kind to Karen over the years and a friendship she valued. Kindly, Beth .