Arthur Pennington

Born in Memphis, TN
Born on May 18, 1923
Departed on Jan 4, 2017

It was a real thrill for me to meet "Suprman", Art, at the C.R. Kernels' game which recognized his great success off and on the baseball field! He was a true gentleman, and yet very humble. My Dad, Charles Michalek, played baseball in the M & J league back in the 50's also. I'm sorry Art wasn't able to play in the Major Leagues... he would have been a star! RIP, dear Superman!

I was not an important person in Mr. Pennington's life; just another of many people who enjoyed working with him at Collins. I also worked with a member of his extended family many years ago. Though it is not mentioned here, Mr. Pennington at times would share from his own life experiences, when another man needed personal advice from an older and wiser man. My sympathy to his family and loved ones.

My heart was saddened when I heard on the news my friend from long ago had passed away. I was an important part of your dad's life when he would come into Collins Employees Credit Union. In 2004, I sent a letter to him telling him I was the Woman of the year in Dyersville and he sent me a Christmas card with one of his autographed baseball cards. #53 in fact. What a cherished heirloom that is to me considering he lost his belongings in the flood. My sincere sympathy to you as you walk in the valley of darkness. I will never forget Art Pennington as he carved a niche in my heart. I would tell him about the Field of Dreams in Dyersville as I knew that would be of interest. Miriam

Please accept my sympathy on the loss of Mr. Pennington. I was a nurse in the Operating Room at Mercy Hospital for many years. It was a pleasure to take care of Arthur when he needed surgery. Dr. Melhloff had a large Orthopaedic practice and said Art was his most interesting patient. Over the years I would see Mr. Pennington around town now and again. There was always a kind exchange between us. I am thankful for knowing Mr. Pennington, he has made my life richer.

As all Negro League players, Mr. Pennington ; " Played for the love of the game" RIP Superman! Life is a Team Sport. Mark Mellinger

Thank you for your assistance in life and I wish you peace.