James Harger

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on Oct 3, 2014
Departed on Nov 3, 2014

It was heartbreaking to hear of James' passing this morning. Praising God for each precious moment you were able to spend with him! I am praying for peace, (for you and your family), during this difficult time. It was a blessing to care for you and your precious baby, while you were with us.....thank you for allowing us to be part of his life....... Kathy Curfman RN St. Luke's Birth Care Center

Lorena and Allen, Sending caring thoughts and prayers to you and your family. May you be surrounded by love and support during this time. Angie Etscheidt

Allen and Lorena- Our thoughts are with you during this time, there is no more devastating loss than the loss of your child. Know that many people are thinking and praying for you and your family, lean on them on the days ahead. Jeff and Brenda Koppes

My heart goes out to you, Alan and Lorena! All day I've been sending prayers to you and your entire family! May God's blessings be yours today and every day! Colleen

Alan and Lorena, I was saddened by the loss of your Baby James. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Family. A friend from work. Liz Schlenker

I'll always remember baby James. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lorena, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May you be embraced tenderly by your family and friends and be lifted up by our Lord. Your friend at EduCare, Linda Sadler

Allan, We are deeply sorry for yours and Lorena's loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Our hearts go out to you during this very trying time.

Allen & Lorena, We were so sorry to hear of your loss of your infant son, James. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Thinking of you!

Lorena and Allan, I am saddened to hear of you loss. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa Gordon

We are so sorry for your loss, but are so grateful for the time you were able to spend with your sweet little angel. What joy you will have with him when you are reunited again! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless you and comfort you. Love, The Lybarger Family

I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure James felt your love and that you felt his love. I pray that you will feel the love of our Heavenly Father as you deal with the emotions of this loss. May you feel His comfort. Love, Polly Hall

Mrs. Harger, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm thinking of you. Caleb Christiansen

We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.