Marilyn Miell

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on Jun 26, 1925
Departed on Jun 16, 2016

Marilyn was one of the first people to be at my Father's house when he died. That will never be forgotten. My thoughts, prayers, and condolences are sent to all of you.

Thoughts and prayers to the family. June you have been such a caring daughter to your Mom....Hugs to you and Bob.

June, our friend, it's easy recognize how wonderful your mom was, she gave us June, an amazing women. Know that she will live on in your heart and in your memories forever. We love you! Sending you and Bob (aka Cary) big hugs.

June and family, my prayers are with you all during this hard time. Keeping you in my thoughts and heart as I know Marilyn will be missed! Love to you all.

Dear June - I have been thinking about you all week. Your Mom had 90 wonderful years, so lucky that you had each other for so long. Love Joanne

June, I'm going to miss hearing all of your Mother Miell stories. I never met Marilyn, but I feel like I knew her and I'm going to miss her, too. You were a wonderful and caring daughter. My heart goes out to you and Bob. Love, Jane

June, My thoughts are with you and your family. May your memories bring you peace at this difficult time. Jenn

Dear June - Am sorry to learn of the news regarding your mom's passing away, but I am so pleased that you were able to spend quality time with her recently. Am sure she's resting peacefully now & she'll always be with you in spirit. Mary C.

Dear June, I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I last saw you on June 1st when my mom, Geraldine Hennessey passed away at Bickford. I will remember the day we all sat outside with our moms when Doris wanted your mom to sit in the shade. I had no idea we were both so close to losing our moms. I'm sure she will be missed very much and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June and family, So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. I did her hair for a period of time and it was wonderful talking to her about family and people we both knew. She will be greatly missed.

June and family. Just learned of your loss this morning. Having just lost my Mom in March I know the journey you are taking. I think I saw you and your Mom at Bickford the week my Mom passed. We always enjoyed seeing you and your Mom and sitting with you at events. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

June, I am so sorry for your loss! I know the time you spent with your mom back in Cedar Rapids was so very special to you both. Sending lots of love to you and your family during this time. Love, Kim

June, So sorry to hear of your loss. Thinking of you especially this week of your Mom's birthday. I'm sure she will be celebrating in the heavens. Prayers for you and your family at this time! Aloha, Lorraine