Dennis Pfiffner

Born in Iowa City, IA
Born on Aug 13, 1940
Departed on Jan 24, 2015

I am so sorry to hear of Dennis's passing. He was a great man and a good friend to my Dad and our whole family. Pat and family have my sincere sympathy at this difficult time. All us McDermott have many fond memories of Dennis.

I'm saddened and shocked to read that Dennis has passed away. He was a great man and always good for a laugh. I first got to know him from working at the Amoco station and much better later on when I spent a lot of time around Erik and Neal. He was definitely one of a kind and I'll certainly miss him. Pat, Erik and Neal, you're all in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed, Dennis.

Dear Pat and family I really have no words but Dennis will be missed.

pat and family you are in our prayers,i remember all the good times we all had with cedar valley st. rd. club and going places with our old cars. pat if there is anything we can do please let us know. I believe he was with hospice where I work,those people are excellent. Susie,bud said you are in there prayers also.dennis will be missed he was a great person to everyone.

Dear Joyce and family, During this difficult time of sadness, may you find comfort in the prayers and sympathy expressed by your friends and loved ones. Am so sorry for your loss. God bless, Carol Ann Miller ~ Rexroat , RHS classmate and friend ~

Pat, Erik and Neal, so very sorry for your loss. We certainly have a lot of fun memories of times spent with your family. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Steve and Ginger

Pat~ So sorry to hear of Denny's passing. There were so many Friday nights that came and went and not one of them went by without his smile and spunky attitude. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Debbie Becker

Dear Pat and family, the sun is a little dimmer with Denny's passing, so many memories, so much laughter. Denny always was there to lend a hand or advice. One of our shared memories of Denny helping Don with the basement refreshments we could not move to Texas, we knew it would not be wasted with Denny. Don and Linda Woode

We are so sadden to hear that Denny has passed . But we will remember all his smiles and most of all his ornery little things he did and always made us smile. He is a great friend and we have so many great times we shared with him and Pat. His knowledge of cars was awesome and he shared his talents. He will always be remember . Sympathy from our heart goes to Pat and all his Family One great guy . He will be truly missed. Sincerely THE AGUE"S

Pat, Erik and Neal . Our hearts go out to all of your family and relatives. Denny was such a great guy and will be missed by all who knew him. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Sincerely your friends Jerry and Kay.

Patty - Erik - Neal, I am so sorry to hear of Denny's passing. I can't even begin to say how much he meant to me, he gave me so much courage and strength to do the right thing...and even went with me when I finally made the decision to do what I did. He was most definitely a jokester! I remember him always hiding my purse, even in the freezer, so he knew when his drink went missing, it was probably in the freezer as well! He was a wonderful man, and will be dearly missed by all that was fortunate enough to have met him. (I can just imagine what him and Rick are up to up there in heaven!!) God bless to all of you, Becky

Dean and Family: So sorry for your loss, you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

Denny was among a small committee of Cedar Valley Street Rod members that met with our friends at KCRG nearly 30-years ago to start Cruisin’ For Camp Courageous. The Club first became involved with Camp Courageous a few years before that when they bought a large number of raffle tickets for a sports car Life Investors was giving away to benefit Camp Courageous, as LI celebrated their 25th Anniversary. As Cruisin’ moved around and grew, Dennis was always there to help. Dennis was a character, and it was the character side of his personality that made everyone enjoy being around him. Camp’s sympathy goes out to Pat, along with all his family and friends.

Pat, We are thinking about you during this difficult time. Maybe Denny has met up with my dad and they are throwing back a drink - pain free and living again. My dad said at the end, "This isn't living!" I will always remember the great ride in the pink hot rod on my wedding. He was a great guy that will be missed by many. Charlie and Michelle Faulkner

I came to know Denny when I was a senior in high school, when I went to work for him. He was my Mentor, I learned so much from him, that I have put to use. I then went back to work for Denny at 3rd ave, while finishing College. Denny worked with me on hours so I could get through school. I looked up to Denny, He was not only my Boss, but he was my friend, my Hunting buddy, and somebody that I could just shoot the breeze with. I will miss you Dennis, Thank you for your friendship. Pat, Eric, Neal my heart goes out to you. Take comfort in the memories. God Bless

Pat, Erik and Neal. We are so sorry to hear of your loss. I have such great memories of growing up and getting into trouble with Erik and Dennis "trying to" keep us both on the straight and narrow! I remember him for his great sense of humor, knowledge of all things car related and his love for his family. I will never forget his beloved car, the "Grey Ghost." Our love and and prayers are with you all. God bless you.

Pat and family, Lots of great memories of fun with some pretty fast cars and some late night drag racing . Please know you have our sincere sympathy and that we care. Doug and Su Wolrab

Patty, hugs to you Erik and Neal.we had many laughs and teasing from Dennis.He was one of a kind, as you know.He always had a little twinkle in his eye, even when he was being irreverent. Love you Patty, wish we were home to be with you. Dennis and Colleen Charkowski

Wow, where did the last 40 years go!!! Oh those were the days, Dennis Pfiffner, never forgotten!!!

Patty, Im so sorry. Man did Dennis and I have fun last few months. Ill never forget him and the talks we shared his and I very odd friendship. im so sorry for your loss. Hes in a better place now. Love that man.

Sorry to hear of your loss, our thought and prayers are with you and the boys. Thinking all the fun we had , God bless Duff and Kris

Pat,Eric,Neal,Dean,Im so sorry to hear of Dennys passing he was a great guy!!We had a lot of fun at the stations at times with pranks.We worked hard an played hard.Rest in peace.

Patti, Eric and Neal, We are so sorry to hear about Denny. We would be there to give you a big hug if we could. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. We will remember Denny fondly. Lots of good old memories in years past!! May God Bless you all. Joe and Kathy

Patty, sorry to hear about Denny. He was such a nice guy and we miss running into the two of you. We will keep you and the family in our thoughts and prayers.

So many wonderful memories I have of Dennis. I miss seeing his sly smile, hearing his quick wit and the occasional slap on the behind! He was quite the man and a wonderful friend. Patti, Eric & Neal, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Pat, we just heard last night about Denny. Words convey so little, but know we are thinking of you and sharing in your sorrow. Gary has shared stories of hunting trips from yrs. past that included Dennis, and thru that I got to know him a little more. Truly sorry for your loss.......

Pat, we just heard about Denny. Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. He was a good neighbor and friend. He will be greatly missed.