Christopher Burr

Born in Des Moines, IA
Born on Dec 29, 1948
Departed on Aug 15, 2015

My condolences to the Burr family. Chris was a wonderful person who brighten our neighborhood with his beautiful flower garden. Chris's knowledge about flowers & wildlife was openly shared. He taught me a great deal about both. He will be greatly missed.

So very sorry Chris passed away so young. He is now with Beth looking down on us. I stopped a few years ago and he showed me all of his plant's, a bonsai tree that I never heard of and birds. also got a kick out of his updates on how good his pickup did with gas mileage. We were Officers together in the 234th Sig BN IANG and shared a summer camp or two together. I was in Creston and he was mgr at Guthrie Center before transferring to CR. We attended a meeting in M'town and told our boss we was taking his car to Rube's in Montour for supper and he could ride along if he liked. Many memories at the utility. My prayers to all of you.

My condolences to the Burr Family. Chris was a Good Man and we had Good Times working together.

Again we are so very sorry to hear about Chris! He was definitely loved and will be missed greatly! Sending all of our love and support! ~Terry, Shonda and Trevyn

The Burr family will always bring a smile to my face. Their unconditional love for all God's creatures and creations was evident in all their lives. Chris' gardens, paintings, and bonsai was a reflection of the peace he sought to bring all he knew. May memories of his shared gifts and love of family, bring you comfort at this time. Suzy Zender Urick

My heartfelt condolences to the Burr family. I worked with Chris for many years at Alliant. He was always fair and honest, and had a great sense of humor. I have no doubt he will be missed by many.

My sympathies to the Burr Family. I'm so sorry for your loss.

My heartfelt sympathy to the Burr family. I worked with Chris for many years and he could always make me laugh even in the most stressful situations. We shared an interest in art, music and stars and planets. A very caring and supportive man. It was a privilege to have known him.

We are here for you Erin & Everett! ??

My deep sympathies to all of the Burr family. I enjoyed working with Chris for many year and his dry humor made me smile and laugh.. His likes and hobbies ran deep and he was blessed with many areas of interest. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

We are so sorry for your loss. Chris was such a wonderful cousin and such tremendous support to us with Barb. I will always remember him coming over to sit with Barb and I, with apple pie in hand! Always there to lighten our load. I will so miss his sense of humor and compassion. My love to you all.

It is with deep sadness I heard today of Chris' passing. We were friends and close neighbors from 1950 onward, and his father was our beloved pediatrician who guided us for nearly 17 years through my sister's heart condition that ultimately took her life in 1968. Chris was, as I read his obituary and these heartfelt condolences, so very much his father's son: the gardens, the art, and the gentle, loving spirit. Chris and Fred and Connie and I made countless joyful, silly, funny, giggly, innocent childhood memories in our Beaverdale neighborhood. He offered to carry my books to school at Byron Rice; he was my first boyfriend at the tender ages of 10. It is clear he remained the kind, sweet man that he was as a youth and was deeply beloved by all whose lives he touched. Chris came from a wonderful family and went on to create one of his own. I am honored he was part of my life, and I truly share in the sadness of your loss. My sincere condolences to his family, especially to my old friends, his brothers Fred and Steve. I know you find comfort in having shared his life and having made brotherly memories for 66 years. Peace.

It is with deep sadness I heard today of Chris' passing. We were friends and close neighbors from 1950 onward, and his father was our beloved pediatrician who guided us for nearly 17 years through my sister's heart condition that ultimately took her life in 1968. Chris was, as I read his obituary and these heartfelt condolences, so very much his father's son: the gardens, the art, and the gentle, loving spirit. Chris and Fred and Connie and I made countless joyful, silly, funny, giggly, innocent childhood memories in our Beaverdale neighborhood. He offered to carry my books to school at Byron Rice; he was my first boyfriend at the tender ages of 10. It is clear he remained the kind, sweet man that he was as a youth and was deeply beloved by all whose lives he touched. Chris came from a wonderful family and went on to create one of his own. I am honored he was part of my life, and I truly share in the sadness of your loss. My sincere condolences to his family, especially to my old friends, his brothers Fred and Steve. I know you find comfort in having shared his life and having made brotherly memories for 66 years. Peace.

Heather, Adam and I are so sorry for the loss of your father. Please know we are thinking of you during this hard time.

Heather & Erin, So sorry to hear about your dad, Chris was a wonderful man. He was always so kind when I would stop over to teach you piano lessons. And his passion of his gardens (front & back) was inspirational to me, I loved to hear of his new projects. You are in our thoughts & prayers, love you!! Love, Linda & Kaitrin Newell

Chris honored me a number of years ago when he phoned while camping in Elkader. He was on a fishing expedition, of course, and we got together for lunch sharing many fond memories and catching up on our respective journeys through life. The "fishing trip lunch" was one we shared several times over the next few years. His was a pleasant and kind spirit. Like many, I'm better for having known him. May all who knew and loved Chris be comforted with the Resurrection Promise.